Ben Patterson, Article by Domain SupportMacworld, wrote an excellent article, 6 ways to make the most of 1Password for iOS and Android, which includes useful tips worth learning for Agilebit’s 1Password. Connectech previously posted the article, What You Should Know About Passwords, recommending 1Password as our top pick for a password manager app. Here we list not only the 6 tips from Macworld, but also some additional ones of our own:
- To avoid having to repeatedly type your master password on your iPhone, iPad or late 2016 MacBook Pro, Turn on Touch ID to unlock 1Password. or an appropriate Android device that offers fingerprint unlock, tap the three-line menu button in the top-left corner of the screen, then tap Settings > Security, and flip on the Fingerprint unlock switch.
- Change your default auto lock setting in 1Password to keep the app open for at least five to ten minutes so you can paste your passwords in iOS or Android when jumping between 1Password and the app you need a password. The default behavior is to auto lock once you exit out of 1Password. By granting a grace period before re-locking 1Password you can pop in between 1Password and other apps for at least a few minutes depending on what you set the auto lock to do. We recommend auto lock after 5 minutes.
- Use the 1Password Action key (iOS only). There’s a useful 1Password extension for the iOS version of Safari that lets you autofill usernames and passwords in Safari from 1Password without leaving the website you’re trying to log into but it requires a little configuration. Click this link for step-by-step directions to set up the extension and remember to click on the “Share” icon (box with up arrow) use it when you’re presented with a login screen
- Reveal passwords with large type. For folks with less than stellar eyesight, when you need to read the long detailed password on your smartphone and typing it in another device such as your smart TV or public computer.
- Syncing your data with all your devices. 1Password recommends that you open an account with their service to sync all your 1Password data for all your devices so that if you add or change a password on one device it syncs through this service. Long time users or non-subscribers may prefer to sync through iCloud, Dropbox or WiFi. If you need assistance with setting up syncing for your 1Password, contact Connectech. 1Password can only sync with iCloud on Apple devices including Macs (Yosemite or newer) and iOS devices (iOS 8 or newer). Syncing is trickier for Windows PC users depending on app version, etc. We currently recommend signing up for 1Password’s own sync subscription service and using the 1Password 6 beta. Learn more about syncing.
- Store all your credit card numbers, expiration date and security codes and credit card company contact phone numbers (both local and toll free). This way if you lose your wallet you always have a list with you when travelling of the number to call to cancel & replace your credit card.
- Use Secure Notes – 1Password secures notes with the same tamper-proof authenticated encryption used for passwords might just be what you need to keep important information you can access when you need it.
- For those utilizing Agilebit’s subscription plan, the 1Password Emergency Kit is a PDF document with your account details and a place to write your Master Password. We suggest you print this out and store it in a super secure location such as a fire proof safe. This way, If you can’t sign in or a loved one needs to access your account in an emergency, it can provide access for trusted friends or relations.
Did you know you can use Apple Watch with 1Password? There are some risks which you should read about. Finally, did you know you can use 1Password as an authenticator for sites with two-factor authentication? Watch the video below or read the page on this subject from 1Password.
If you are undecided about whether to purchase 1Password, Robert McGinley Myers, The Sweet Setup, has a detailed article recommending it as the best password manager. Connectech loves, uses and recommends 1Password and will be happy to assist you in setting it up and provide training.