Collaborating in art has been established for centuries. For example, Flavorwire’s, The 10 Most Memorable Artist Collaborations, by By Reid Singer, or The Atlantic’s, Does Artistic Collaboration Ever Work?, give you some interesting works to consider. The Dadaists believed that the “value of art lay not in the work produced, but in the act of making and collaborating with others to create new visions of the world,” according to MoMA.
Collaborating in business is an age old practice. For example, Team Up Start Up’ article, The importance of collaboration through history, give some famous partnership collaborations. Five Famous Partnerships, explains how collaboration changed the world. We could go on and you no doubt understand the importance of successful collaboration.
G Suite is designed so that your company collaborates better with its tools than any other cloud platform. Recently on the Google Blog, an article entitled, The art of collaboration: from Sheets to the streets, explains how two renowned illustrators from New York and Spain were able to collaborate on an art project that ended up on a wall in Brooklyn using Google Sheets. This can help you see how your company can collaborate using such tools. You can watch how this happened below: