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Article by Domain Support
According to an article in appleinsider, Apple has “a billion users who see iMessages by default” concluded, “Thanks to the hijinks of the American FBI and the British Parliament, Apple’s iMessages platform has been broadly—incessantly—advertised in the media as being a very secure, encrypted messaging platform. Users know when they get a green bubble that they’re talking with an Android user, and that person won’t be able to benefit from some of the services—including encryption—of native iMessage users on iOS or a Mac or Apple Watch.”  The article adds, “only Apple has really established that its iMessages is a fully encrypted platform (for years), and that it has no real interest in harvesting users’ conversations to look for valuable data it can sell or use for marketing purposes.”

More iOS users will be able to perform special extra features in iMessages when sent to Android users may not benefit from receiving when iOS 10 is released. To understand the difference between sending a message to an iOS user and an Android user read this page. According to an article in MacWorld, “Apple worked for an entire year on a new file system, but according to Craig Federighi, “every time we’d add a couple new emoji, it would be the biggest thing.” So, in iOS 10 emojis are three times bigger. Not only that, but Apple added a handful of visual tricks to Messages, and transformed iMessage into a platform for third-party apps.” For example click on the fireworks image and see how some of these new features look in an animated preview of iOS 10.

And for enterprise customers and small company clients note what the appleinsider article concluded about using iMessages for your business:

“The iMessage Apps that Apple outlined in iOS 10 appear to have substantial potential as a business platform. All sorts of existing iOS apps—whether public App Store titles, specialized enterprise apps created by firms like IBM, or in-house corporate apps—can make use of the iMessaging platform to provide secure communication-based features. An app might enable employees to collaboratively check off a series of approvals right within iMessage, or facilitate a sophisticated quote negotiation workflow with a client. ”

If you want to download a copy of the beta version of iOS 10 there is an excellent article in MacWorld to assist you. If you need more information in learning more about these enhanced features contact us.